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Thema: MOO2 1.50.9

  1. #1
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
    Registriert seit

    Cool MOO2 1.50.9

    Nachdem" Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars" meine Erwartungen nicht erfüllen konnte, hier ein Hinweis auf einen inoffiziellen Fan-Patch zu MOO2 (DOS-Version), den ich interessant finde:
    Master of Orion 1.50.9, zu finden hier:

    Die Installation erfolgte bei mir ohne Probleme. Die alte Installation meines MOO2 (DOS und Win10) kann -wie von den Erstellern des Patches versprochen - nach wie vor problemlos gestartet werden und wird durch die zusätzliche Installation von MOO2 1.50.9 nach meinen Beobachtungen nicht beeinträchtigt. Der Patch benötigt MOO2 1.31 für die Installation und ist auf Englisch.

    Die Verbesserungen und Veränderungen reichen von einem 6. Schiffs-Slot über tonnenweise Veränderungen im Spielverhalten - insgesamt 118 Seiten (!) im PDF-Begleithandbuch des Patches.

    Gestartet wird MOO 1.50.9 normalerweise mit einem Launcher. Ich habe es allerdings bislang noch nicht geschafft, dass der Launcher meine MOO2 Version der Gamestar direkt erkennt. Die vielen Einstellungen im Launcher werden aber bei einem "Direktstart" von MOO2 1.50 im Spiel berücksichtigt.

    Hier sind einige Screenshots des Launchers:

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Geändert von Civinator (04. Dezember 2017 um 19:22 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von AndreP
    Registriert seit
    Da ist auch deutsch bei, wenn auch nicht komplett.

  3. #3
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von AndreP Beitrag anzeigen
    Da ist auch deutsch bei, wenn auch nicht komplett.
    Hast Du den Patch schon ausprobiert?

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von AndreP
    Registriert seit
    Ja, schon vor längerer Zeit.

    Das funktioniert alles bestens, sogar mit meinen gemoddeten Star Trek Rassen.

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Widdi
    Registriert seit
    Kreis Recklinghausen
    Danke für den Tipp. Werde ich sicherlich ausprobieren.
    Nie wird soviel gelogen wie nach einer Jagd,
    im Krieg und vor Wahlen.

    Otto Eduard Leopold Fürst von Bismarck (1815 - 1898)
    preußisch-deutscher Staatsmann und 1. Reichskanzler

  6. #6
    Civ-Rentner Avatar von HeymlicH
    Registriert seit
    Kann jemand 'ne grobe Übersicht geben, inwiefern sich das Gameplay geändert/verbessert hat? Also keine Details, sondern: Wurde das SPiel übersichtlicher? Ist die AI jetzt besser? Hat der MM-Aufwand sich erhöht/verringert?

    118 Seiten Doku schrecken mich etwas ab, da wüsste ich gern vorher so ungefähr, worum es sich handelt.

  7. #7
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Widdi
    Registriert seit
    Kreis Recklinghausen
    Ich habs leider nocht nicht ausprobiert. Bin im Augenblick zu sehr von Stellaris gefesselt. Habe es aber weiterhin vor. Mal sehen wanns klappt. Solltest Du Dich entscheiden es auszuprobieren, würde ich mich über ein kurzes Review hier freuen.

    Viele Grüße
    Nie wird soviel gelogen wie nach einer Jagd,
    im Krieg und vor Wahlen.

    Otto Eduard Leopold Fürst von Bismarck (1815 - 1898)
    preußisch-deutscher Staatsmann und 1. Reichskanzler

  8. #8
    Der Patch bzw. die Modifikation ist m.E. absolut empfehlenswert, da zahlreiche Bugs beseitigt wurden und die KI besser geworden ist. Auch einzelne Dinge am UI wurden optimiert; für mich ist alleine der zusätzliche Slot für ein Schiffsdesign ein Segen.

    Klar ist aber auch, dass es immer noch MoO2 ist, sich daher am grundsätzlichen Spiel und damit auch der MM-Lastigkeit nichts geändert hat.

  9. #9
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Pfeffersack Beitrag anzeigen
    Klar ist aber auch, dass es immer noch MoO2 ist, sich daher am grundsätzlichen Spiel und damit auch der MM-Lastigkeit nichts geändert hat.
    Zur Vereinfachung des Micromanagements gibt es im Patch einstellbare Porduktionsketten.

    Kurzinfo aus dem Readme File des Patches:

    The 1.50 fan patch fixes most known crashes, stalls and network synchronization
    errors, as well an abundance of lesser bugs.

    The interface has been improved with a customizable build queue, a 6th slot for
    ship design, usable mouse scrolling in combat and new convenience shortcuts.

    Configuration files allow you to customize the game in numerous ways and create
    your own mods. You don't need to write your own config to start playing. The
    distribution includes several mods ranging from classic to extra challenging ICE
    mods. You can select which mods to use in Launcher GUI before running the game.

    Network multiplayer setup has also been improved. Host automatically broadcasts
    settings to clients eliminating the need for all parties to use the same set of
    command line switches or enable the same mod. The built-in mapgen saves you the
    trouble of running the separate mapgen.exe and restarting the game.

    The changelog below contains a complete list of changes. MANUAL_150.PDF and its
    addendum MANUAL_150.XLS contain detailed descriptions of all features and fixes
    of this patch, as well as tons of useful info on modding and game mechanics. An
    overview of all config parameters along with a brief description for each one
    can be found in EXAMPLE.CFG.

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Mehr Details:


    Game changes:
    - Mapgen improvements:
    - Wormholes will no longer be placed to the Orion system.
    - Minimum 3 planets in home systems as intended instead of 2 planets in
    version 1.40 and 1 in 1.31.
    - The switch /planets now also accepts 1.
    - Black Hole that is turned to a real star now follows real satellite
    generation routine.
    - Fixed runaway homeworlds when mapgen rules are too lax and too many
    planets are generated (homeworld for AI used to migrate to non-terran
    - Fixed orphaned satellites with broken links to star in planets array.
    - Fixed actual tech cost of first level Hyper-Advanced from 15k to 25k.
    - Satellite can no longer be destroyed by bombing the planet or earthquake
    (1.50.2 bug).
    - Antaran defensive titan 8th weapon slot restored (1.50.8 bug).
    - Strategic combat now honors crew level bonus for BA/BD/MD.
    - Fixed bomb hits calculation for orbital combat:
    - Bomb weapons now get bomb hits equivalent to 10 instead of 5 attacks.
    - Fighters get the equivalence of 1 strike instead of 0.
    - Best weapon type is used for fighters instead of always laser.

    Interface Changes:
    - Eliminated empires are now shown on history graphs.
    - Tech breakthrough turn counter is more precise.
    - When you have a leader with the Galactic Lore skill, 'No Enemy Presence'
    filter in the Planets screen now only shows planets that have been
    visited, preventing sending of c.ships to monster guarded worlds.
    - Tractor beam drawing is now always removed immediately after the target is
    - Restored galaxy size 1 label to 'Medium' (was 'Average' since 1.50.5).
    - Fixed display of artifacts status for visited non-HW artifact planet in
    planets menu.
    - Alt+x now updates ship routes and colonies.
    - Alt+x no longer switches to defeated empires, which could crash the game.
    - EXTRACT.CFG retains core mod metadata.

    Lua Scripting:
    - Added get_ships.
    - Fixed /noscan being checked instead of /noreport for get_player_techs
    (1.50.7 bug).
    - Main1.lua emits warning when /noreport=1.
    - Fixed get_conf not working for scalar parameters (1.50.7 bug).
    - Fixed add_planet overwriting existing planet in case of orbit clash
    (1.50.8 bug).
    - Fixed typo and possible crash in Lua error message (1.50.8 bug).

    New Config Parameters:
    - jump_gate_pass_nebula, causes fleets in jump gate to ignore nebulae.
    - ai_builds_colony_bases_prewarp, allows AI to build colony bases without
    drive and fuel techs.
    - fighter_shots, exposes number of shots each fighter can do in one run.
    - bombardment_use_armor_for_buildings, gives non-defense planetary
    structures 1/2 hp of defense buildings, with a minimum of 100 as before.
    - disable_physics_updates_ship_designs, prevents auto-updating of ship
    - design_button_shield, causes shield of design not to be updated.
    - design_button_computer, causes computer of design not to be updated.

    Changed Config Parameters:
    - Split clear_button into clear_button_shield and clear_button_computer.
    - Renamed monster_drive.crystal to monster_drive.crystal_and_guardian.
    - Removed armor_extra.

    Classic ruleset (SET140)
    - Lightning_field default setting is no longer 'uniform' but 'classic'.

    1.50 Standard ruleset (SET150)
    - Enabled jump_gate_pass_nebula.
    - Enabled ai_builds_colony_bases_prewarp.
    - Moved parameter crystal_keep from 150s to 150i.

    1.50 Improved ruleset (SET150i)
    - Updated Darlok, Elerian, Gnolam race designs for Hard and Impossible
    - Evolutionary Mutation for non-Warlord races is always Warlord now.

    - Updated to ICE 16, see ICE_readme.txt for changelog.

    - Added 1.50 Improved, GoodMap4 and GoodMap5.
    - Updated Orange2 map to have unicolor stars: White in young, orange in avg,
    and red in old galaxies.


    Game changes:
    - Improved Combat AI (also used for final and defensive fire), now considers
    the following:
    - Damper Field, Energy Absorber, Hard Shields,
    - Ordnance skill,
    - Nebula nullifies ship shields,
    - Planetary shields block the Shield Piercing mod,
    - Bomb damage against a planet is reduced by ship shields too,
    - MIRV missile damage versus shields,
    - Custom bonus for cloaking device, both evasion and jamming modes.
    - AUTO combat AI will no longer retreat ships just because they are out of
    - Defensive Fire is always active in non-INI games regardless of DF setting.
    - Turned off (reddened) PD beams and A-M Rockets will now fire during
    Seeking missiles phase; reddened Spatial Compressor still will not.
    - Fixed Avenger, Antaran Battleship & Titan having FWD bombs instead of 360.
    - Fixed Lightning Field uniform mode not applying (1.50.5 bug).
    - Changed freighters_cash_bonus default from 5 to 0 BC so building a
    freighter fleet no longer generates free cash.
    - Human-to-human techtrade ignore AI's trade decisions; all techs can be
    - Static cheats will no longer persist when starting or loading a game.
    - Fixed crash when loading JIMTEXT.LBX and current language is Italian.

    Interface changes:
    - Added GUI launcher and improved mod format.
    - Mapgen scripts with full access to stars and planets.
    - Corrected icons of tiny toxic, radiated and barren planets in the System
    Overview in the Colony screen that were swapped.

    New config parameters:
    - toxic_can_become_barren, allows terraforming of toxic planets with a
    building of choice.
    - ai_hypertech_threshold, allows AI to research a set number of advanced
    technology levels.
    - human_player_fleet_can_retreat, enables player's ships to retreat like AI
    on AUTO combat.
    - combat_ships_without_ammo_stay, toggles retreat for out of ammo ships on
    AUTO combat.
    - proton_torpedo_apply_speed_base, limits proton torpedo speed.
    - missile_ammo, exposes default missile volleys in ship design.
    - satellite_ammo_basis, exposes ammo amount used as basis for space
    - missile_base_ammo_basis, exposes ammo amount used as basis for space
    - Exposed missile base and fighter garrison amount of shots available.
    - With antaran_star_fortress_space, weaponry space is set independently from
    hull table.
    - simplified_beam_formula, enables the range penalty and pd bonus to be
    calculated in a manner uniform with other to hit bonuses.
    - 2x_range_accuracy_penalty, toggles double accuracy penalty for the 2x
    weapon mod.
    - 2x_range_damage_penalty, toggles double damage dissipation for the 2x
    weapon mod.
    - With weapon_range, special weapons ranges can be set.
    - With spherical_range, spherical weapons ranges can be set to both ships
    and missiles.

    Changed config parameters:
    - 'Radiated' for weather_control_climate no longer blocks the building on
    toxic climates.
    - Renamed weather_control_min_climate to weather_control_climate.
    - growth_rate_bonus contains general modifier, microbiotics, antidote, boom
    and plague.
    - Renamed missile_volley to missile_ammo.
    - Adjusted Hydra special parameter, showing it is shared between system and
    event Hydra.
    - Parameter vdc_mode removed.

    SET150 (1.50 standard ruleset)
    - Disabled defensive fire (remains enabled by default in classic mode with
    INI off).
    - AI can now research hyper-advanced tech fields.
    - Reduced Armor Barracks cost to 80/1 (150/2).
    - Simplified delay time mods of random events.

    SET150i (1.50 improved ruleset, based on former Vanilla+)
    - Equalized relative amount of torpedoes on star base and missile base.
    - Fighter Garrison launches every turn, for 20 rounds.
    - Proton Torp. no longer is a direct fire weapon and instead has travel
    speed of 22.
    - Simplified config by removal of miscellaneous parameters.

    Game changes:
    - Fixed incorrect Plasma Torpedo dissipation on impact (1.50.2 bug).
    - Satellite missile amount distribution: 1-3 in 1 slot; 4 in 2 slots; higher
    amounts in 3 slots.
    - Improved AI assessment of modded Fighter Garrison strength.
    - Improved AI assessment of modded Hard Shields strength.
    - Fixed a bug when GNN reports 0 RP to end the plague and prolongs it.

    Interface changes:
    - Fixed Jump Gate warnings appearing for fleets that are still at a star
    (1.50.7 issue).
    - Help texts: corrected experience points description in Fleets screen.

    Changed config parameters:
    - Removed unused parameter Second_Weapon_item6 for event_dragon.

    Game changes:
    - Autodesign won't install heavy mod on beams without heavy mod.
    - Fixed long messages after raiding in super-fast combat mode (1.50.7 bug)
    - Fixed fleets using jump gate being lost in black hole (1.50.7 bug)
    - Antaran defensive Raider's weapon_2_amount now won't cause first letter of
    a ship name to change or other irregularities (1.50.6 bug)

    Interface changes:
    - Pressing PageUp / PageDown anywhere in the game now speeds up / slows down
    - Removed unused fast mod from anti-matter torpedo, fixing irregular
    appearance of mod buttons in design screen.
    - Tech won't appear more than once in acquired tech list when scrapping a
    captured ship.


    Game changes:
    - Satellite and ground defenses auto design reworked.
    - List of weapon mods available is now configurable.
    - Space allocation per weapon type is now configurable.
    - Weapon mods now cost space.
    - Missiles spread evenly over slots, e.g. 2 2 2 instead of 6 0 0.
    - Up to 99 missiles per stack instead of 30.
    - Correct arc cost for beams in ground battery (was +0) and
    satellites (was +25%).
    - Ground battery space compensated by +50% for the increased arc cost.
    - Satellite space compensated by +40% for the increased arc and missile
    mods cost.
    - Leaving/catching up/levelling up of navigator affects fleets immediately.
    - Telepath or Telepath* leader now protects colonies from Mind Control.
    - Assassin leader no longer protects colonies from Mind Control.
    - Artemis System Net built/removed wakes up orbiting fleets now.
    - Fixed irregularities in ship placement in case of large fleets.
    - Fixed a crash when ICS is on and ship loses speed while moving making
    its move points negative.
    - Fixed division by zero crash when damaging internals of a ship with no
    systems left but drive with 1 hp.
    - Ship captured on retreat by Assault Shuttles now stays in battle.
    - AI won't self-destruct ship immobilized by BHG to avoid capture if
    boarding in black hole is disabled.
    - Fixed a crash when ship is destroyed by BHG and ini is off.
    - Enabling strict_combat_sequencing now forces ship initiative.
    - Comet now counts as destroyed as soon as 100% of it is destroyed, not the
    turn after as in classic.
    - Ship scrap total won't overflow. Scrapping ships for total sum of more
    than ~32k BC overflows in classic.
    - Fixed game crashing on random sounds, for example in system window or
    colony view.
    - Fixed no sound crash if player has no rifle upon ground invasion (only
    in modded games).
    - AI now better assesses strength of ships with BHGs.
    - Nulled interceptors tactical damage value (6-15) as AI use separate
    calculation function for them.
    - Strategic instead of tactical weapon damage values are now considered for
    weapon selection in strategic mode.
    - Strategic damage values column updated with tactical values to preserve
    classic behaviour, except for special weapons that were bugged or
    incorrect and received new values.
    - GNN news corrected for monster events, colony names and (English) textual
    - Monsters now consider systems in +10pc wider range for finding new target
    - Fixed 6th slot corruption when ship couldn't be built due to 500 ships
    - Fixed auto-scrap scrapping more ships than needed to pay upkeep.
    - Fixed a crash in fleet leaders screen when scrolling fleet pane.
    - Fixed a crash when message box has too much text.
    - Fixed a crash when raid message is too long.

    Interface changes:
    - 150.SET is used instead of MOX.SET to avoid version conflicts.
    - LASTR150.RAC is used instead of LASTRACE.RAC to avoid version conflicts.
    - Updated non-English New Game screen labels.
    - List of techs received on Orion now includes techs provided by Loknar.
    - Colony leader commando skill is now listed in Colony View and in Ground
    Combat screen.
    - AI bonus is now listed in Ground Combat screen.
    - Fixed broken quick win check when strict_combat_sequencing is on.
    - Fixed a bug that made missiles to face away from their target sometimes.
    - Colonized brown stars will no longer be displayed as uninhabited on
    - Buying an item now deselects currently selected queue item.
    - Fixed a bug that allowed to insert multiple consecutive repeats using
    build lists.
    - A number of visual fixes and improvements in fleets and leaders screens.
    - Race selection screen won't crash on races with too many traits.
    - Sound effects are silenced in super-fast combat mode.
    - Preliminary Lua scripting support.

    New config parameters:
    - Added satellite_space_allocation for customizing satellite weaponry.
    - Added defenses_allowed_mods for configuring mods installed on defenses.
    - Added troop_type table for tank, militia and rebel unit bonuses.
    - Added troop_bonus table, with various troop combat bonuses and hits.
    - Added rebel_display to display rebels in colony views military popup.
    - Added alternate_diplomacy that enables separate diplomacy patience

    Changed config parameters:
    - Missile Base can now also use torpedoes via satellite_can_use_torpedoes.
    - Simplified starbase special table, can be configured with tech names now.
    - Postwarp techlist now has 7 instead of 6 exclusions for strategic mode.
    - Renamed 'troop_bonus_rifles' table to simpler 'rifle_bonus'.
    - Renamed defensive_range to defensive_range_bonus.

    SET150 (default config):
    - Enabled crystal_keep; crystal keeps captured ships after the battle.
    - Interceptor and Assault Shuttle cost restored from 20 to classic 10.

    AISHIPS v1.30 (default config):
    - AI can now use Tractor Beams on ships without having the Capture theme
    - Lightning Field is now used more frequently on ships that have missile
    - Anti-Missile Rockets should be used a little less in late-game.

    VANILLA+ v1.2 (optional mod):
    - Telepathic ability now costs 7 picks. Elerians become Warlord instead of
    SD+25, SA+20.
    - New satellite config; now has same space as new default, but starting
    weaponry is 4/4/9/5.
    - Batteries space increased by +50 compared with new default to 500 space
    (for +1 Hv).
    - Interceptor cost set at 20 and Assault Shuttle cost at 18 (in effect
    shuttle cost is -2).
    - A few minor balance changes, as indicated in the vanilla+ config file.

    1.50.6 bug fixes:
    - Building of an artificial planet causing damage of the planetary array.
    - Planet Info displaying wrong food value for Aquatic races.
    - incorrect food output on mapgen generated planets.
    - Possible crash at new game.

    SET150 (default config):
    - Freak accident event can happen only from t75 (t50).
    - Comet event can happen even earlier now, from t125 (t150).


    Game changes:
    - Fuel range for contact is now consistent with the ability to visit
    - Fixed received techs from surrender being only until max #83 from tech
    - Added possibility to acquire a shield tech from a scrapped ship.
    - Fixed blank "You received the following techs from scrapping this ship"
    message popups on scrapping lander ships.
    - Removed best armor minus 1 rule for lander ships, they now have the best
    armor available.
    - Ships with no computer fitted now won't have computer's hit points.
    - Newly built Warlord ships now have crew level bonus from the turn of
    - Building a Fighter Garrison now wakes up orbiting ships, in line with
    other planetary defenses.
    - Building a planetary shield won't wake up orbiting fleet now.
    - Destroying or selling a satellite or ground defense building will now wake
    orbiting fleets.
    - Fixed right mouse button stuck when loading pre-battle autosave in
    - Fixed Beam_SFX crash on fighters resolve on top-left corner.
    - Fighters now benefit from helmsman.
    - Fixed buggy fighter counts after returning to the launching ship.
    - Partial fighter squadrons that return to ship do not cause the loss of
    weapon bays after the battle.
    - Corrected Absorber's miss chance due to Displacement Device to 30% (70%).
    - Beams Displacement parameter will now also affect absorber's chance to
    - BHG and Stasis Field now free ships correctly when the weapons themselves
    are destroyed.
    - Fixed ship special becoming unbreakable when dealt damage equal to its HP.
    - Proper visuals in Raid message, now a damaged special is reported as
    damaged, instead of destroyed, also misleading number of reported hits no
    longer appear.
    - Combat ends immediately if the losing side has no missiles or planet.
    - Fixed a range of GNN monster reports not showing up.
    - Amoeba stays in game if its target is destroyed before it arrives there.
    - Amoeba applies its toxic ability to AI colonies too.
    - Fixed hyperspace flux check for comet and monsters so they can't happen
    during a flux now.
    - Behold the arti fixed for single and multi player; renamed parameter to
    - Strength of a modded missile base or ground batteries is now properly
    assessed by AI.
    - Added support for ESD custom ratio in determine_beam_weapon_modifications.
    - Dismissed leaders desync fixed, they will now always acquire +1 level in a
    network game.
    - Disabled (reddened) point defense weapon does not automatically fire at
    incoming missiles anymore.
    - Modded leader XP levels will no longer cause fired leader to get wrong XP.
    - Terraforming now works correctly with arrivals, arriving colonists come on
    a terraformed planet instead of dying (1.50.1 bug).
    - Fixed steal and uncreative bugs with keep_on_find, of not being directed
    to tech choice screen when that same tech was being researched (1.50.5 bug).

    Interface changes:
    - Moved tractors from equipment to weapons category in Tech Review screen.

    - Command 'import' is no longer available in config.

    New config parameters:
    - Added gravity_table for mapgen.
    - Added AI food/prod/research bonus and AI BC bonus.
    - Added govt_morale_penalty.
    - Added no_capitol_morale_penalty.
    - Added barracks_morale_bonus.
    - Added federation_no_mixed_races_penalty.
    - Added tables for all economic bonuses, food, production, research and BC.
    - All food bonuses use 0.5 scale now, so bonus set as 2 will mean 1 actual
    - Added version-dependent old save fix. Planets from older saves will have
    food_base fixed.
    - Added parameter to set minimum climate where weather controller can be
    - Lightning field gets classic mode via lightning_field_mode.
    - Added leaders_no_limit, enabling to have more than 4 leaders of any kind.
    - Added arc_cost_space to set weapons arc cost/space consumption.
    - Added satellite_warlord_bonus, enabling Warlord for satellites and
    - Added leader_warlord_bonus, making Warlord leaders function at +1 higher
    - Added turn delay table for all events.
    - Added crystal_keep, ships captured by Crystal do not die and become part
    of its fleet.
    - Added monsters_stay_chance to tweak the chance a monster leaves after
    - Added monsters_stay, ensures monsters don't leave the galaxy (test
    - Added battle_pods_speed_bonus that prevents (empty) ships gaining extra
    speed. from battle pods. When enabled, ships can be overloaded up to
    immobile status.
    - Added minimum_combat_speed, sets minimum speed below which ship can't be

    Config parameters changes:
    - Tech, techfield, specials numbers are no longer settable in config.
    - UNITS table removed from config.
    - Removed +279 nonsense from starbase specials table.
    - Monster drive and hit points table split into separate drive and hp
    - General config cosmetics pass, renamed parameters and all in lowercase

    SET150 (default config):
    - Comet and supernova events can happen already from t150 instead of t200.
    - Added turn delays for flux (t75), warp beast (t100) and time anomaly

    VANILLA+ v1.1 (optional mod):
    - Tolerant and Repulsive restored to 10 and -6 picks respectively.
    - Stealthy Ships cost lowered to 3. Stock Darlok race gains Large Home
    - Warlord crew level bonus also applies to satellites and planets.
    - AI's tax bonus increased by +1/4 BC for all difficulty levels.
    - Weather Controller can no longer be built on Toxic, Rad, and Barren
    - Slightly more Missile Base space, for 7 instead of 6 L1 missiles per slot.
    - Fighter Garrison now has 10 Bombers or Heavy Fighters, same as
    - Battle Pods no longer gives combat speed bonus to (partially) empty ships.
    - Reduced space/cost for Automated Repair Unit, Shield Capacitor, Security
    Stations and Quantum Detonator.
    - Damper Field space/cost slightly increased.
    - If not killed, wandering monsters have a 56.25% chance to stay in the
    galaxy after battle, instead of 25%.
    - Crystal now keeps captured ships as part of its own fleet.


    Game changes:
    - System popup freeze fixed.
    - Pirates will no longer seize negative amount of money from richer empires.
    - Fixed "leader capture" bug, a leader enroute to a captured ship is put to
    officers pool.
    - Breakthrough & serendipity in one turn won't cause blank box in tech
    - Fixed lingering missile alerts (most common case is a leftover from AI
    - Fighters can now select any ship as a new target after destroying a
    - Fixed erroneous overmap display of Captured label.
    - Spies can't be built now without spy network technology.
    - Capitol can't be built now without capitol building technology.
    - Shield will not be installed on a starbase if damper field is present.
    - Enabling strict_combat_sequencing now forces ship initiative in combat.
    - Fixed heavy fighters not spending ammo when attacking missiles (1.50.1
    - Fixed garbage appearing in retreating ship's weapon list ( bug).
    - Fixed a crash with ship captures during battle at Antares (1.50.2 bug).
    - Build list will no longer allow to buy on blockaded colonies (1.50.4 bug).
    - Prepend will no longer push down a bought item (1.50.4 bug).
    - Fixed fighters disappearances during missile seeking phase (1.50.4 bug).
    - Fixed instant refit when the queue is full (1.50.4 bug).
    - Fixed possible stall on engine explosions in Super-fast combat mode
    (1.50.4 bug).

    - New herodata.lbx changes 3 leaders who had the Tactics skill & mod Yota.
    - AISHIPS enabled by default, improving ship designs of the AI.
    - Added new mod Vanilla+.
    - Added new mapmod Ice Cold (cold.cfg).

    Interface changes:
    - Added compatibility with non-English versions and support of multilingual
    - Destroy outpost and mind control popups now expire by timeout.
    - Default popups timeout is about 1 hour now.
    - Added new racesel.lbx that fixes Darloks button.
    - During retreats the retreating ship is always displayed as current.
    - Status bar always displays an active ship between turns.
    - Ability to format turn counter and stored production separately (format
    - Introduced templates for better control over in-game labels.
    - Config extractor no longer omits last comment.
    - Miscellaneous help text updates.

    Config parameters:
    - Added defensive_fire_range, sets range from which defensive fire is
    - Added raid_items_per_marine, sets the max # items destroyed on raids per
    - Added raid_damage_per_marine, controls damage per successful marine raid.
    - Added ship_command_points_usage table, controls per size class command
    points consumption.
    - Added landers_size_class, controls size class of landers.
    - Added keep_research_on_finds, if enabled, RPs won't be zeroed when the
    tech currently being researched is obtained otherwise.
    - Added keep_research_on_breakthrough, if enabled, RPs above twice tech cost
    will be retained after a breakthrough.
    - Fixed various parameters for monsters.

    - Previously overlooked case of feudal bug fixed.
    - Fixed garbage appearing after race pick labels for network client.
    - Added table COMPUTERS_name.

    - Added wormhole_color parameter.
    - /monsters mapgen parameter now works.
    - Hero removed by -smarooned is now replaced with a pirate cache.
    - Parameters -tgaia, -tgoodhw and -mmonst are now consistent with
    - Initial autosave now happens after the mapgen.
    - Some inherent mods now work for missiles.
    - TWF fixups for combat with ship initiative off.
    - Uncreative will not lose techs in modded greybox field now.
    - vdc_mode updated.


    Game changes:
    - Monster bug fixed, no combat rollbacks when fighting identical monsters.
    - Advanced damage control is removed from tree for cyber races.
    - Initiative rule now takes BA differences below +10 into account.
    - Ships tied by initiative are now sorted by crew experience.
    - "Mark Block Stack Size Exceeded" crash in races screen fixed.
    - Ship captured by shuttles when rotating will not cause desync in network
    - Super-fast combat mode (Z) now takes ship explosions into account.
    - PD and Spatial range is now calculated correctly midflight.
    - Fixed discrepancy between targeting and damaging ranges for spherical
    - Stasis disables wide area jammer, warp dissipator, scout lab.
    - Ship under stasis now ceases to be affected by tractors and BHGs.
    - Ship under stasis now ceases to affect others by tractors, BHGs or stasis.
    - Fixed a number of bugs in defensive fire.
    - All retreats now happen after all ships have recharged weapons.
    - Repaired warp dissipator will now prevent retreats ordered on previous
    - Missile alerts will now be triggered by inplace rotations.
    - Correct missile alert halt on move when ship is going to be hit while
    - Ship with inertial nullifier does not pull missiles when rotating.
    - Fighters chasing missiles with depleted moves now will move at the end of
    - Ordnance bonus now works for fighters.
    - Non-TWF ships now update at the end of TWF turn.
    - Non-TWF ships do not perform defensive fire in TWF turn.
    - Fixed bug which allowed to capture satellite sometimes.
    - Ship capture removes wait and done states.
    - Fixed integer overflow for energy Absorber's stored damage.
    - Different cloaks now work correctly if put on a ship together.
    - Marines above ship capacity will now be spaced after ship capture.
    - Colonies with and without Barracks now have the same marines/armor limits.
    - The last (max) marine and armor units of a Subterranean colony no longer
    - Corrected race pick costs sync when loading net game (1.50.2 bug).
    - Fixed broken cloaking device still being able to cloak (1.50.3 bug).
    - Fixed phasing cloak recloaking even with zero counter (1.50.3 bug).

    Interface changes:
    - Advanced build list with the ability to apply on all colonies.
    - Undo buy action by clicking buy button again.
    - Fixed most build queue bugs including repeat build cheat.
    - Colony Base button disappearance trigger corrected.
    - Disabled weapon slots will be colored red even if spent (used to be
    - In super fast combat mode (Z) boarding messages are skipped now.
    - Mapgen -tfixedhw will now generate lowg Arid planets for low-G races.
    - Restored classic behavior for stellar, it now fires the whole slot at
    - Added confirm_battle_message_timeout for "X attacks Y at Z" popups.
    - Fixes and improvements in New Game screen help.
    - Fixed broken command summary display in main screen (1.50.3 bug).
    - Fixed excessive orbital bombardment death tolls (1.50.3 bug).
    - Fixed stall when refitting a ship with queue full (1.50.2 bug).

    Config parameters:
    - Added ai_surrender_delay, specify the turn after which AI can surrender.
    - Added stars_in_galaxy table which sets amount of stars per galaxy size.
    - Added vdc_mode which enables VDC compatibility patches.*
    - Added planet_damper, enables damper field for planetary defenses.**
    - Added disable_vsync to speed up screen updates.
    - Added tech_mini, per-tech miniaturization group table.
    - Added several growth related parameters (growth formula, housing,
    - Added separate android costs to misc_costs table.
    - Added trade_goods_ratio to control trade goods effectiveness.
    - Added systems_repair_percent to control repair rate for internal systems.
    - Added defensive_fire, allows to disable defensive fire altogether.
    - Added spatial_per_size_class_damage, makes spatial damage larger ships
    - Added initial_buildings, used for colony initialization.
    - Added broken_engine_explodes to disable explosions for testing.
    - Added configs aiships, balance and map_150, expanding gameplay options.
    - Setting damper_kill_ratio to 0 now prevents the use of transporters
    against damper field.
    - Setting initial phasing cloak counter to 0 now means no phasing cloak
    state at all in combat.
    - Renamed several config parameters and labels.

    - Fixed freeze when ship remains tractored at the end of the combat
    ( bug).

    - Fixed cur_ptr crash related to strict_combat_sequencing (1.50.3 bug).
    - strict_combat_sequencing is now disregarded if Ship Initiative is off.
    - Fixed rare ship array overflow related to capture.


    Game changes:
    - Fixed ship retreat disappearances bug, immobilized ship now halts retreat.
    - Fixed Antaran star fortress repair issues.
    - Fixed spy threshold below 60 not working. Negative thresholds are
    - Optional strict combat sequencing mode.
    - Two ships now can destroy each other with BHG simultaneously.
    - AI now honors board_in_black_hole parameter.
    - Tractors (both incoming and outgoing) break when ship phase cloaks.
    - Stasis field recharges correctly now.
    - Removing stasis field does not zero ship's shots.
    - Ship which started turn in stasis gets a chance to act this turn if freed.
    - Fixed a bug when fighters chase unrelated friendly ships.
    - Fighters will now highlight when targeting missile that targets current
    - Move blocked by missile alert will no longer trigger dogfights.
    - Ships now decloak if cloak-inducing device is broken.
    - Specials repaired in combat resume operation (in classic they don't).
    - Fixed bug in drive repair after combat, now ship is always made mobile.
    - Building & spy no longer give free cash on-build like in 1.40.
    - Fixed AI bought prod appearing as non-zero prod after capturing colony.
    - RPs produced on turn 0 are not lost even if you did not choose tech yet.
    - MENLO now gives 1 million research points.
    - Fixed incompatibility with classic's save game format for ships with augs.
    - Fixed ship defense racial trait not applying in combat (1.50.2 bug).
    - Fixed ship defense -20 displaying as -19 in ship info (1.50.2 bug).
    - Fixed bizarre damage visuals from ESD weapons (1.50.2 bug).

    Interface changes:
    - Option to play against a random number of AIs.
    - Updated NEWGAME.LBX, added pictures for cluster, random and post warp.
    - Updated COMBAT.LBX with greyed Wait button for strict combat sequencing.
    - Option to skip delete housing / trade goods dialog without deleting them.
    - Corrupt 6th design slot (when loading pre 1.50.1 saves) is automatically
    - Fixed broken money bonus display in summary in race selection screen.
    - Fixed broken money bonus display in race statistics.
    - Fixed broken +1/2 food display in race statistics.
    - Smaller font is used in race statistics if race has too many traits.
    - Autosave in local games works like in network games, saves every turn
    before battles.

    Config parameters:
    - Config reload now reports success or failure via popup.
    - Exposed mapmod tables, removed fixed mods ice, or2, gm3+ and added as cfg.
    - Freighter on-build income is tunable.
    - Configurable pre warp field set.
    - Optional continuous BHG.
    - Added scout_lab_research_bonus table.
    - Added leader skill cost table and separate commando cost.
    - Optionally Megawealth does not double leader hire cost.*
    - Support for custom shield and armor names.
    - Optional satellite capture.

    - Fixed bug causing absence of Unification Production bonus.


    Game changes:
    - Planet bombing is now symmetrical, enabling bombing all around any planet.
    - Cluster galaxy now works in multiplayer.
    - Fixed inability to move pop from non-food world to farming on food world.
    - Using other player's dimensional portal is now prohibited.
    - Ghost colony can be bombed or captured.
    - Ghost colony can die out even if colonists are inbound.
    - Starvation can create ghost colonies.
    - Bombardment can destroy Capitol.
    - Auto-designed ships are equivalent to manually designed.
    - Satellite generation and repair uses systems size from correct hull table
    entries 6-8.
    - Fixed strategic doomstar having cost and displayed info of tactical one.
    - Hard Shields now increase blocked damage in strategic combat.
    - Fixed Sub-Space Teleporter getting increased range for faster ships.
    - Fixed Sub-Space Teleporter not breaking tractor beam out of range.
    - Ship now loses shot right after weapon is destroyed.
    - Fixed discrepancy between 'immobile' label and real immobility after BHG /
    tractor beam.
    - Multiple BHGs and Stellars installed in one slot will now fire one by one.
    - Ship cloaked by Phasing Cloak is not affected by area damage now.
    - Ship cloaked by Phasing Cloak can't be boarded.
    - Lightning field buggy roll fixed, now kills 1/2 missiles instead of 1/3.
    - Fixed Antaran fighters not working on defensive Cruiser and Titan.
    - Fixed AI stall when targeting missile from captured ship.
    - Scout lab and Galactic Lore now give bonus against antarans.
    - Telepaths can capture ships multiple times without losing control.
    - Crashes and quirks related to driveless trans dimensional ships fixed.
    - Zeroth weapon flag usable.
    - No place for a new spy exploit fixed.

    Config parameters:
    - Added interactive_combat_stats, makes ship stats update within the combat
    - Added large amount of new parameters covering whole OCL and much more.
    - More LBXs support specifying alternative file in config.
    - Added defensive_range for improved range for satellites and planetary
    - Added lander_ship_use_stealth.**
    - Added round_teleport, makes teleporter jump area approximately round
    - Added fungi for controlling biomorphic fungi mechanics.
    - Exposed parameters for several random events.
    - Exposed lucky chance.
    - Exposed boarding range in squares both ordinary and for transporters.
    - Optionally cloaking device gives missile evasion bonus instead of miss
    - Added augmented_engines_speed_bonus.
    - Added sub_space_teleporter_range.
    - Exposed trans dimensional bonuses.
    - Exposed proton torpedo range.
    - Exposed energy absorber damage reduction.
    - Exposed damper field damage reduction.
    - Score values exposed, orion, antares, council win.
    - Optionally enveloping weapon bonus does not work against planets.

    Renamed parameters
    - /picks > maximum_Positive_Picks
    - speed_td_bonus > td_combat_speed_bonus
    - torpedo_miniaturization_missile > torpedo_miniaturization_group_1

    Removed parameters
    - shortened_anomaly_beast_flux (can be set individually now)
    - AI_races_improved (now fully customizable in config)
    - AI_ships_improved (now fully customizable in config)
    - miniaturization_tweak (split to independent parameters)
    - planet_size_class (removed)

    Interface changes:
    - Sixth design slot is now available.
    - Visual fixes for ship, satellite and planet scan both for tactical and
    strategic modes. Strategic mode is now far less confusing.
    - Correct display of colony ship count for 2 or more ships in star system
    - Proper displaying of non-integer racial food bonus.
    - Default game settings changed: Tactical combat, ship initiative and legal
    moves are on.
    - auto_close_board_confirm_popup option to close boarding report
    confirmations without user action.
    - Exposed difficulty level for which extra confirmation of new leader popup
    - SFX volume in video is separate from music now.
    - Cheat warning will always be issued on the next turn after cheating.
    - Cheat warning will never be lost now.


    - Relaxed end of combat (ships act until end of turn).
    - TWF-equipped ship's presence doesn't affect normal ships now.
    - Map edge retreat crash fixed.
    - Population capacity is clipped to 42 (maximum properly supported by the
    - 43rd android bug fixed.
    - Pop limit bug for freighted colonists fixed.
    - Command points not updating when landing OP or CS fixed.
    - Productivity recalculation after selling a building now works.
    - Refit displayed cost vs real cost discrepancy fixed.
    - Feudal wrong refit cost fixed.
    - Stealth specials now work properly.
    - Diplomatic blunder and marriage events not working fixed.
    - Diplomatic relation change overflow fixed.
    - Improved spy formula (63rd spy receives additional +1 bonus).

    - Host config is broadcast to clients in network multiplayer.
    - Config supports string parameters.
    - Added helper commands include and stop.
    - Updated mapmod (added ICE, removed GM3 and ICE-COLD).
    - Updated table weapon, added strategic min and max damage.
    - Updated table mapgen to latest mapgen 0.41.
    - Added shortened_anomaly_beast_flux (random events tweak).
    - Added table pop_base (base pop for given planet size).
    - Added table pop_climate (pop bonus for given planet climate).
    - Added basic_growth_bonus (additional base growth).
    - Added AI_races_variants (optionally extend AI races pool).
    - Added AI_races_improved (turns on better races).
    - Added AI_ships_improved (turns on better ships).
    - Ability to rename weapons, specials, buildings, technologies and fields.
    - Added table tech (technologies).
    - Added table tech_field (technology fields).
    - Added table ground_defences (misc ground defenses traits).
    - Added table hull (ship hull table).
    - Added table lander_ships_costs (cost for CS, OP, TR).
    - Added table stealth (stealth bonus per stealth modifier).
    - Added table scan (scan bonus per scan modifier).
    - Added table spy_tech (spy bonus for given spy tech).
    - Added table spy_govt (spy bonus for given government).
    - Added alternative_refit (optional alternative refit cost formula).
    - Added miniaturization_tweak (enable mini for augs and ext. fuel tanks).
    - Added torpedo_miniaturization_missile (torpedoes miniaturize like
    - Added heavy_fighters_can_scramble (optionally allow to target missiles).
    - Added absorber_no_discharge (optionally keep absorber's charge
    - Added plasma_web_dissipation_step (optionally halve instead of -5).**

    Interface changes:
    - Config extractor built into the executable.
    - Added parameter mod_name to distinguish mods in main menu.
    - Added table format to config for customizing in-game text labels.
    - Added parameter scroll_interval_ms to control scrolling speed in the
    combat screen.
    - Added parameter clear_button to control design screen clear button
    - Added parameters help.lbx and techdesc.lbx for custom lbxs.
    - Auto delete trade goods or prompt deletion on < >.
    - Colony prod display now includes bought prod.
    - Restructured technology overview under Info button.
    - Alt+MENLO gives 31000 research now.

    - Most of the patch code moved to external library ORION2.BIN.

    - Crash on malformed build list fixed.
    - Build list now supports artificial_planet.
    - Plasma torpedo crash on impact fixed.

    - Post-combat repair crash fixed.


    - No auto-done in combat for ship without shots.
    - Colony +10 offense bonus bug fixed.
    - Fighters strike immediately point blank left to right.
    - Plasma torpedo instant dissipation bug fixed.
    - Plasma torpedo correct dissipation on resolve.
    - Crew experience level now also applies to capture actions.
    - Boarding in stasis is no longer possible.
    - Attackers' Raiding party bonus is displayed now.*
    - Raid can destroy last ship system now.
    - Combat repair fixes weapons now.
    - Repaired shield generator charges shield.
    - Undocumented +1 hits bonus for buildings during bombardment removed.*
    - Tech field combat desync fixed.
    - Evolutionary Mutation desync in combat fixed.
    - Network hang for zero marines board fixed.*
    - Ship cost exchange bug aka feudal bug fixed.
    - Strategic tech tree corrections.
    - Artemis strategic one kill to win bug fixed.
    - Artifacts on-click research bonus bug fixed.
    - Ships can now always be refitted; Cold Fusion is no longer a prerequisite
    - Outpost ship conflicts colonization bug fixed.
    - Colony ship conflicts outpost creation bug fixed.
    - Discrepancy of communications and scanners fixed.
    - Warp interdictor range now corresponds to its description.
    - Evolutionary Mutation unclickable picks bug fixed.*
    - Tolerant races maintenance penalty display fixed.
    - Navigator skill display bug fixed.*
    - Telepathic leader's skill level bonus corrected.*
    - Ordinary assassin skill not working fixed.*
    - AI personalities racial traits broken logic fixed.
    - AI fighter size cheat fixed.
    - Disabled LB's /nohousing growth bonus.

    Config Parameters:
    - Added game-affecting LB's switches to config (/picks, etc.).
    - Added table mapgen (modelled after tf8's mapgen and LB's map switches).
    - Added mapmod for creating different maps.
    - Added steal_mode (controls what spies can and can't steal).
    - Added satellite_racial_defense_bonus.
    - Added satellite_can_use_torpedoes.
    - Added missiles_initiative (optional missile wait on launch).
    - Added missile_glue_old (alternative missile stack merge rule).
    - Added fighter_beam_no_plus_one (optionally disable +1 bonus).
    - Added fighters_use_pd (optionally use PD mount on fighters).
    - Added table tractors_to_stop controlling num of tractors per size class
    needed to stop a ship.
    - Added table dmg_mount (configurable mount and high energy focus bonuses).
    - Added damper_kill_ratio (controls damper effectiveness against
    - Added board_in_black_hole (optionally forbid boarding BHG-affected ship).
    - Added table speed_base (missiles and fighters base speed)
    - Added speed_fast_bonus (fast weapon mod speed bonus)
    - Added speed_td_bonus (missiles and fighters td speed bonus)
    - Added table weapon.
    - Added table special (ship specials).
    - Added table building (colony buildings).

    Interface changes:
    - Load build queue from BUILD.CFG.
    - Faster fade-ins and fade-outs.
    - Additional shortcuts added.
    - Design screen clear button behavior changed.
    - Stored prod is now displayed in colony.
    - Start of turn reports reordered.


    We would like to thank:

    The MOO2 team
    for their inspiring game. Special thanks to coding team, they made our task
    of improving this game both manageable and enjoyable.

    Lord Brazen
    for his 1.40 patch which is incorporated into this 1.50 patch.

    for his mapgen tool which also has a lot of info on game data structures.

    Andrey Tyukov
    for his fixes included here. They are marked by * for ones directly included
    and by ** for modified implementations.

    for his work on OCL Improved from which we took many offsets.

    Grig De Griz
    for his MOO2 Workshop which was used for manipulating LBX game files.

    All users who reported bugs and provided feedback.

    Enjoy playing MOO2 with this patch!

  10. #10
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
    Registriert seit
    Der neueste MOO2 Patch ist jetzt (unter dem Link in Post 1 herunterladbar).

  11. #11
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Enthält der 1.50 patch alle Korrekturen des alten 1.40 fanpatches?
    Oder geht der 1.50 vom letzten offiziellen 1.31 Stand aus und es würde mir was vom 1.40 fehlen?

  12. #12
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von ConjurerDragon Beitrag anzeigen
    Enthält der 1.50 patch alle Korrekturen des alten 1.40 fanpatches?
    Oder geht der 1.50 vom letzten offiziellen 1.31 Stand aus und es würde mir was vom 1.40 fehlen?
    Da Du mittlerweile MOO2 1.50.11 installiert hast und Dir hier niemand Deine spezielle Frage beantworten konnte, nehme ich an, dass mit der Installation und dem Inhalt des Updates alles (abgesehen von der "Helmsman-Fragestellung" und dem Schreibfehler) geklappt hat.

  13. #13
    Just a normal family Avatar von Chris
    Registriert seit
    Hinterm Mond gleich links
    Zitat Zitat von Civinator Beitrag anzeigen
    Zur Vereinfachung des Micromanagements gibt es im Patch einstellbare Porduktionsketten.
    Allein dafür lohnt sich die Installation. Was hab ich es immer gehasst bei spät neu besiedelten Planeten alles manuell einstellen zu müssen.

    Wird wohl mal wieder Zeit für ein wenig MoO.

    "As we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave it as we came and, God willing, we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind"
    Eugene A. Cernan

    [Civ4] Mod Chooser
    100 Gute Gründe

    Hier nicht klicken! sonst wirst Du als Extremist eingestuft (s.

  14. #14
    Porn in the USA Avatar von Maxvorstadt
    Registriert seit
    Funzt dieser Fanpatch eigentlich auch mit der GoG-Version?
    Make DuckDuckGo great again!

    I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!

    I`m over my fuck budget, I´m now in fucking debt!

  15. #15
    Nomai Avatar von GraAingeal
    Registriert seit
    Jup, funktioniert.
    "Es ist besser eine Kerze anzuzünden, als die Dunkelheit zu verfluchen."

    “Crying wasn't like riding a bike. Give it up, and you quickly forget how it's done.”
    ― Alice Hoffman, The Ice Queen

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