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Thema: Der Dritte Weltkrieg 1989

  1. #1
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    Civ3-Conquest Der Dritte Weltkrieg 1989

    In the dark early hours of 4 August 1989, the forces of East and West collide in the opening moves of the Third World War. This animated board game places you on the front lines and at the head of the conflict: from the tank commander's hatch to the Marshal's map, the pilot's cockpit to the General's bunker, and the sailor's station to the Admiral's information center. You must decide how to move your mechanized forces, air squadrons, and naval vessels in a titanic struggle for the fate of Europe. As the leader of one of 31 nations, you must be a prudent economist, a savvy diplomat, and an aggressive battlefield commander. The field of battle has never been so deadly, covered with tanks and missiles, cluster bombs and thermobaric explosives, nerve agents and mines.

    Choose your side: NATO, Warsaw Pact, or neutral. Take control of your land, naval, and air forces to foil enemy advances and launch your own attacks. Command your economy to produce new forces and progress through the technology tree to unlock new options for negotiation, warfare, and expansion. Will you use your skills as a soldier and diplomat to secure a military or political victory? Or will the conflict lead you to defeat, and send the world teetering to the brink of nuclear Armageddon?

    Table of Contents:
    1. Introduction, Credits, and Download
    2. Theaters of War
    3. Conditions for Victory
    4. The Technology Tree
    5. Screenshots

    How to download, install, and play The Third World War 1989:

    1) Make sure you have Civilization III Conquests with the version 1.21 patch or Civilization III Complete installed on your computer. Either the disc or Steam version will work.

    2) Place the 1989 folder and 1989.biq in the Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios folder. Make sure that inside the 1989 you see the Art, Text, etc. folders and not another 1989 folder.

    3) Make sure there are no barbarians. Barbarian units may affect the AI opponent's playstyle, making its play more erratic. Unfortunately, Civ III does not follow the 'No Barbarians' setting in the .biq, but instead follows the setting in the Conquests.ini text file.

    To make sure you have no barbarians, do ONE of the following:

    a) Open the conquests.ini file located in your main Civilization III\Conquests folder. Set BarbarianActivity=-1 and ActualBarbarianActivity=-1 and then save. Proceed down to Step 4.


    b) Start Civ III normally and choose the 'New Game' option. Set up the game any way you like, but make sure you set Barbarian Activity to 'No Barbarians'. Start the game, and then exit Civ III. The game will record your preference in conquests.ini file. Now you can proceed to Step 4.

    4) If you are playing the Steam version of Civilization III, you must also change the labels.txt file located in the 1989/Text folder. Inside the Text folder, you will see a file named Labels and a file named labels-STEAM. Simply rename, delete, or move the original labels file, and rename the labels-STEAM to Labels.

    5) Take the Civ3Conquests NO RAZE.exe out of the 1989\Conquests No Raze EXE folder, and transfer it to the Civilization III\Conquests. The NO Raze EXE starts up your Civ game normally, except that it prevents the computer AI from burning down every city it captures. This will preserve the integrity of the map.

    You are now ready to play! Use the Civ3Conquests NO RAZE.exe to launch Civ III, and choose the 1989 scenario from the Civ-Content option on the Main Menu. Good luck!


    Special Thanks to Civinator and for hosting the scenario!

    Map Graphics: Ares de Borg Terrain Set, Balthasar, Goldfool
    PCX Graphics: Balthasar, Bathyskaff, Etain, Goldfool, Kyriakos, Lionic, Pounder, Samez, Vuldacon
    Unit Graphics: Ares de Borg, Balou, Bjornlo, Delta_Strife, Gary Childress, gwendoline, Navy Dawg, Vinegar Joe, Wyrmshadow
    Scenario Development: Ares de Borg, Balthasar, Bengal Tiger, Civinator, Delta_Strife, El Justo, Gojira54, KevinLancaster, Lionic, Montizzle, nick0515, Samez, Smirnoff, VadimBT85, Vuldacon, Wolf 66, Wolfhart, Wolfshade, Wujah

    Geändert von Bosch (16. Februar 2017 um 07:01 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Theaters of War

    The Battle For Europe
    The European theater is the center of the scenario. The game begins on the morning of August 4th, 1989, with the Soviet Army leading the Warsaw Pact forces against the NATO Alliance for control of the continent. The bulk of NATO combat strength is massed along the inter-German border, under the command of AFCENT, with NORTHAG commanding forces in northern West Germany and CENTAG commanding forces in southern West Germany. The West German Bundeswehr provides much of the ground strength, along with the U.S. Army, the British Armed Forces, Dutch, and Belgian forces. In reserve, the French Armed Forces will provide a second echelon. Further reinforcements have to travel across the Atlantic from the U.S. and Canada. American forces must travel by Strategic Airlift and Military Sealift, under Operation REFORGER that links up airlifted troops with prepositioned equipment in Europe.

    Warsaw Pact forces under the Western Strategic Direction are divided into Fronts, which control about 15 divisions each. All Warsaw Pact divisions ultimately fall under the command of the Soviet Supreme Headquarters, STAVKA. Further forces will be provided under the massive Soviet mobilization plan and can rapidly reinforce the attack. The Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies must cut through enemy defenses and capture key victory points and hold them against any counter-attack. The NATO forces must prevent this. Either side can claim victory by accumulating enough points or meeting all requirements for a Political Victory.

    The Battle for Europe will involve modern technologies that the player must understand to use wisely. Signals intelligence give forces an edge in offense or defense. Certain air units, such as the F-117, EF-111A Raven, and E-3 Sentry AWACS, use electronic counter-measures and stealth technology to avoid enemy aircraft. Electronic Warfare and Chemical weapons units can soften enemy ground defenses for further assaults. Some units like special operations, AH-64A Apache helicopters and F-4G Wild Weasels can conduct selective attacks to eliminate key threats like air defense and artillery units. Successful ground assaults from elite units may result in a breakthrough, which concentrates the attack at a specific point.

    War in the North Atlantic
    Although the war will be settled in Europe, no theater of battle is more crucial to affecting the balance on the continent than the War in the North Atlantic. To win, the U.S. Navy must clear the way across hostile waters to allow the Militarty SeaLift of American and Canadian forces under Operation REFORGER. The Soviet Navy must prevent this at all costs, using its powerful naval aviation assets and attack submarine forces.

    The bulk of Soviet Northern Fleet forces begin deployed near the Greenland-Iceland-UK Gap, a NATO safety net connecting these landmasses with sonar detection and patrol craft. Their submarines and patrol aircraft must locate NATO forces, especially the carrier battle groups. These can be attacked with a variety of missile attacks, which include surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles. Some cruise missiles cannot be stopped, but are used up in the attack. Other missiles can be intercepted or shot down by air defenses, but if successful can attack again on subsequent turns. Naval Aviation on both sides will the key to finding and attacking the enemy. In the age of long range detection and missiles, the key to victory at sea will be locating and striking the enemy before he hits you. To defend itself, the Americans, Royal Navy and other NATO naval forces must conduct aggressive anti-submarine warfare.

    For the U.S. and her allies, securing the sea lanes is only the beginning. The U.S. Navy has considerable air assets that can strike land as well as sea targets. They can also transport heavy forces across the ocean to the combat zone. They can also move the U.S. Marine Corps, a large and flexible amphibious force that can strike any littoral area. NATO forces also have limited amphibious capability, and the Soviets can deploy their Naval Infantry to snatch up key locations.

    Peripheral Theaters
    Although the main effort of the competing alliances will be in central Europe, other theaters will prove vital to the outcome of the war. The fight for southern Europe and the Mediterranean will be fierce, while the battle for Scandinavia can provide an advantage on the northern flank. In addition, neutral powers in the Middle East and Caribbean can turn the tide in unpredictable ways.

    On the southern flank of Europe, the armed forces of Turkey and Greece are prepared to clash with the Bulgarian Army. The Soviets will need to decide what forces to spare for the Balkans and how hard they must push. There are two vital neutral Communist nations, Yugoslavia and Romania, that can rapidly change the balance of power in the region. In the Mediterranean, the Black Sea Fleet of the Soviet Navy must challenge the combined might of the Italian Navy, the Marine nationale, and the U.S. Sixth Fleet. An advantage here can lead to a flank attack on either alliance.

    To the north, the Soviets must press through the rugged Scandinavian terrain to drive down Norway and threaten the northern flank. The small number of forces involved will not diminish the fierce fighting, as U.S., British, and Dutch marines supported by naval forces will have to rapidly reinforce the Norwegians against the Soviet Naval Infantry and supporting ground forces. Neutral Sweden and Finland may also be drawn into the conflict.

    The Middle East is one of the most unpredictable and important areas on the map. It has huge oil reserves which are crucial for European powers, and none of the nations are aligned with either superpower. Many Arab countries are grouped together into the Arab League, which give them a large pool of forces. They surround Israel, with its powerful modern army, and are bordered by Egypt, which switched camps after the Camp David Accords. Iran and Iraq are both recovering from their decade-long war, and are now left with debt and devastation along their borders. European powers will need to research Merchant Marine to establish a petroleum trade agreement with Middle Eastern nations for access to much needed oil.

    In the Caribbean, volatile changes in the political situation have allowed a Communist government to take control of Guyana. Backed by significant Cuban assistance, Guyanan forces and guerillas have penetrated Venezuela, which has turned to the U.S. for military aid. The ongoing struggle could distract American attention during the crucial opening phase of the European war. Venezuela has oil to trade also, which it may offer in exchange for vital war material.

    In all the peripheral theaters, the superpowers have the ability to intervene in true Cold War style. Unconventional Special Operations forces, such as the Soviet GRU Spetsnaz or U.S. Special Operations Command can conduct secret missions against local forces without risking an all-out war. They can also choose to move in full force, utilizing airborne, naval and air forces to rapidly assert control in Middle East hotspots or in the Caribbean basin. Neither side can afford to neglect these vital areas.

    Geändert von Bosch (16. Februar 2017 um 07:03 Uhr)

  3. #3
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    Victory Conditions

    The Third World War 1989 has four final victory conditions. Victory or defeat is determined when any alliance or independent nation achieves a Political Victory or gathers 800,000 points, or when the game timer ends.

    NATO Decisive Victory
    The Soviet offensive is smashed, paving the way for a NATO counterattack deep into Warsaw Pact territory. Through successful diplomacy, espionage, and military action, the Eastern European people overthrow their regimes and establish new governments. Hardship within the U.S.S.R. leads to strikes and demonstrations, and the Politburo loses power. The Soviet Union collapses, and NATO concludes peace with the newly independent Russian Federation. Europe begins tentative steps towards building a peaceful union for the first time.

    The NATO Alliance achieves a decisive victory when it either completes a Political Victory or gathers 800,000 points.

    NATO Marginal Victory
    The Warsaw Pact advance is frustrated and defeated. Strong Western resistance results in a bloody stalemate, which leads the Soviet economy to the brink of collapse. The Eastern European nations overthrow their rulers and establish new democratic governments. Facing a rapidly changing and hostile global situation, new Soviet leaders take charge of the Politburo and sue for a cease-fire. New plans are drawn up for massive disarmament in the aftermath of the war.

    NATO wins a marginal victory by having the most points at the end of the game timer, after 150 turns.

    Soviet Marginal Victory
    NATO forces prove incapable of stopping the Warsaw Treaty Organization's advances. NATO fractures, and individual nations begin peace negotiations to spare further destruction. Soviet forces occupy everything east of the Rhine, while southern Europe and France must agree to stringent terms favorable to the U.S.S.R. to avoid occupation. Britain becomes the primary American military outpost, and an uneasy truce is concluded. The Soviets solidify control within their territory and with their satellite states.

    The Warsaw Pact wins a marginal victory by having the most points at the end of the game timer, after 150 turns.

    Soviet Decisive Victory
    Soviet forces dominate on all fronts. Remaining NATO units are surrounded and surrender soon after. Governments friendly with the Soviet Union are established in Western and Southern Europe, with Soviet assistance forces stationed throughout the continent, allowing free access to the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The U.K. is forced to dissolve the monarchy and establish a pro-Soviet government under the auspices of Soviet advisors to avoid occupation. The U.S., suffering from military defeat and economic disaster, retreats into Fortress America. The Soviet Union is the master of Europe.

    The Warsaw Pact wins a decisive victory if it completes a Political Victory or 800,000 gathers points.

    Geändert von Bosch (16. Februar 2017 um 07:04 Uhr)

  4. #4
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    The Technology Tree

    The tech tree has been divided up among the nations of the game. These divisions separate the factions and their specific technologies, and also allow the game to use various graphics that are particular to each nation.

    The first era, World Revolution, is reserved for the Soviet Union and her socialist allies and friends. Working from a single era tech tree, the path to victory is cleanly laid out. Your research choices will depend on your strategy: land forces, diplomatic outreach, or air and naval supremacy.

    Achtung Spoiler:

    The second era, mobilization, is available to all non-Socialist nations. As the name implies, it allows you to bring new forces into combat, starting with reserves, then training units to utilize equipment from storage, and finally to retooling the economy for war production to make new forces.

    Achtung Spoiler:

    The third era is diplomacy and is the key to trade and the Political Victory for non-Socialist governments. At the front end are options to defend your cities and open up trade with the Middle East. This is followed by opening up the Atlantic to trade with the U.S. and Canada, and finally leads to the Political Victory components needed to win the game.

    Achtung Spoiler:

    The fourth era, Global Events, describes the action in the Pacific that will have long-reaching consequences in the 21st century. Limited to naval powers, the era four techs allow you to create new air and sea units, and lead to the China Pact to secure your Political Victory. The Americans can also unlock their Armed Forces resources, which signify powerful forces redeploying from the Pacific to give them the edge at the critical moment.

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Geändert von Bosch (16. Februar 2017 um 07:05 Uhr)

  5. #5
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    Central Front

    Achtung Spoiler:


    Achtung Spoiler:


    Achtung Spoiler:


    Achtung Spoiler:
    Geändert von Bosch (16. Februar 2017 um 07:06 Uhr)

  6. #6
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Der Dritte Weltkrieg 1989 (freie Übersetzung)

    In den frühen dunklen Stunden des 4. Augusts 1989 prallen die Streitkräfte des Ostens und des Westens in den ersten Atemzügen des 3. Weltkrieges aufeinander. Dieses animmierte Brettspiel versetzt Dich sowohl in die Rolle des einfachen Soldaten als auch in die Schaltzentralen des Konlikts, von der Luke des Panzerkommandanten bis zum Schlachtplan des Feldmarschalls, vom Cockpit des Piloten bis zum Bunker des Generals und vom Posten des Matrosen bis zur Kommandozentrale des Admirals. Du musst entscheiden, wie Du Deine mechanisierten Streitkräfte, Deine Luftstreitkräfte und Deine Kriegsflotte in die titanische Schlacht um das Schicksal Europas führst. Als Anführer einer von 31 Nationen musst Du ein kluger Wirtschaftsplaner, ein gerissener Diplomat und ein kampfwilliger Schlachtenlenker sein. Niemals zuvor war das Schlachtfeld derart tödlich gespickt mit Panzern und Raketen, Streu- und Vakuumbomben, Nervengiften und Minen.

    Wähle Deine Seite: NATO, Warschauer Pakt oder Neutralität. Übernehme die Kontrolle über Deine Land-, See- und Luftstreitkräfte und starte Deine eigenen Angriffe. Übernehme die Herrschaft über Deine Wirtschaft, produziere neue Streitkräfte und erziele Fortschritte in der Forschung, um Dir neue Möglichkeiten für Verhandlungen, Kriegführung und Expansion zu erschließen. Wirst Du Deine Fähigkeiten als Soldat und Diplomat nutzen, um einen militärischen oder politischen Sieg zu erzielen? Oder wird Dich der Kampf in die Niederlage führen und die Welt dem Abgrund des nuklearen Weltuntergangs entgegentaumeln?

    1. Einführung, Dank und Download
    2. Kriegsschauplätze
    3. Siegbedingungen
    4. Nationen des Szenarios 1989
    5. Der Technologiebaum

    Hinweise zum Download, Einrichten und Spielen des Szenarios "Der dritte Weltkrieg 1989":

    1. Vergewissere Dich, dass Du die englischsprachige Version von Civilization III Conquests mit dem Version 1.21 Patch oder Civilization III Complete auf Deinem Computer installiert hast. Sowohl die CD- als auch die Steam-Version sind hierfür ausreichend.

    2. Entpacke den 1989-Ordner und die 1989-biq in den Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios Ordner. Überprüfe, ob der 1989-Ordner direkt die Ordner Art, Text, usw.. enthält und diese nicht erst in in einem weiteren 1989-Ordner enthalten sind (in diesem Fall würde ein Entpackungsfehler vorliegen).

    3. Stelle sicher, dass in dem Szenario keine Barbaren aktiviert sind. Barbaren-Einheiten beeinflussen und verzerren den Spielstil der KI. Leider funktioniert die Einstellung 'No Barbarians' in der biq nicht, denn das Verhalten der Barbaren wird durch die Vorgaben des Conquests.ini Text-Dokuments bestimmt.

    Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, um sicher zu stellen, dass in dem Szenario keine Barbaren vorkommen:

    a) Entweder Du öffnest das conquests.ini Dokument, das sich in Deinem Haupt-Civilization III Conquests Ordner befindet, mit einem Text-Editor wie z.B. WordPad, setzt die Werte "BarbarianActivity=-1 und ActualBarbarianActivity=-1" ein und speicherst dies dann ab,


    b) Du startest ein normales Civ III-Spiel und wählst dort die Möglichkeit 'New Game'. Stelle sicher, dass Du in dem normalen Standard-Spiel die Aktivität der Barbaren auf 'No Barbarians' gestellt hast, starte das Spiel und verlasse dann Civ III. Civ 3 wird dann diese Einstellung automatisch in das conquests.ini Dokument übertragen.

    4. Bei Benutzung der Steam-Version muss seit dem letzten Steam-Update für C3C auch das labels.txt Dokument, das sich im 1989 Text-Ordner befindet, ausgetauscht werden. In diesem Fall muss das Dokument Labels in diesem Ordner umbenannt, gelöscht oder verschoben werden und dann das in dem Ordner enthaltene Dokument labels-STEAM in Labels umbenannt werden. Achtung! Dies ist nur erforderlich, wenn die C3C Steam-Version verwendet wird.

    5. Ziehe die Civ3Conquests NO RAZE.exe in den Civilization III\Conquests-Ordner. Die NO Raze EXE startet Dein Civ-Spiel wie normal, hindert aber die KI daran eroberte Städte niederzubrennen und sichert so die beabsichtigte Nutzung der Landkarte.

    Du bist nun startbereit für das Spiel! Benutze die Civ3Conquests NO RAZE.exe um C3C zu starten und wähle das im Civ-Content-Bereich befindliche Szenario 1989 aus, um das Spiel zu starten. Viel Glück!


    Besonderer Dank an Civinator und, das dieses Szenario hostet

    Landkartengrafiken: Ares de Borg Terrain Set, Balthasar, Goldfool
    PCX Grafiken: Balthasar, Bathyskaff, Etain, Goldfool, Kyriakos, Lionic, Pounder, Samez, Vuldacon
    Einheiten Grafiken: Ares de Borg, Balou, Bjornlo, Delta_Strife, Gary Childress, gwendoline, Navy Dawg, Vinegar Joe, Wyrmshadow
    Szenario Entwicklung: Ares de Borg, Balthasar, Bengal Tiger, Civinator, Delta_Strife, El Justo, Gojira54, KevinLancaster, Lionic, Montizzle, nick0515, Samez, Smirnoff, VadimBT85, Vuldacon, Wolf 66, Wolfhart, Wolfshade, Wujah

    Geändert von Civinator (04. November 2015 um 05:26 Uhr)

  7. #7
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Reserviert für die deutsche Übersetzung 2
    Geändert von Civinator (09. Juli 2016 um 18:55 Uhr)

  8. #8
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Reserviert für die deutsche Übersetzung 3

  9. #9
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Reserviert für die deutsche Übersetzung4

  10. #10
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Zu den Übersetzungen der reservierten Seiten bin ich bislang noch nicht gekommen, möchte aber hier darauf hinweisen:

    Seit heute gibt unter dem Download Link es ein erhebliches Update dieses gigantischen und äußerst ambitionierten WW III Scenarios als Weihnachtsgeschenk von Bosch/Anthony Boscia an die Freunde des Civ 3.


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